Kansas City Star Scribe Demands Cash For Cameron Lamb Lawsuit

Plaintiffs are starting the bidding at 10 MILLION BUCKS

Don't get it twisted . . . We don't deny any family their grief despite the circumstances of their loss. 

However . . . 

It's impossible to escape "the politics" of this case which have more to do with racially-charged arguments rather than a real debate about reasonable police searches. 

In this case the former KCPD Detective is entitled to appeal a recent federal ruling. He should because it basically contradicts EVERYTHING we've ever known about the probably cause and the discretion granted to law enforcement officers. 

Moreover . . . 

We share a passage from a recent KC Star editorial if only offer perspective on the merits of this case that have more to do with social justice rather than public safety . . . Check-it: 

(The) ruling opens the door for Lamb’s family to collect on a $10 million civil lawsuit they filed in June 2021 against DeValkenaere and the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners.

No one is above the law. Not even a former white policeman convicted of killing an unarmed Black man.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KCPD must compensate family of unarmed man killed by ex-police Det. DeValkenaere | Opinion

Former Kansas City Police Det. Eric DeValkenaere's qualified immunity claim rejected, opening the door for $10 million in civil lawsuit. From Toriano Porter:
