Kansas City Housing Conversation Monday

Believe it or not . . .

There are many conservatives who ALSO think Kansas City's housing future is a VERY BIG DEAL and might require action more sustainable than constant activist protest.

Accordingly . . . Here's a glimpse at an upcoming talk that merits attention . . . 

Focusing on Housing Affordability and Property Tax Assessments, the local representatives wish not only to discuss the current issues that Missouri taxpayers face but also to present real goals that they can work toward within their roles.

Stacey Johnson-Cosby stresses that these issues within the housing industry effect everyone, not just homeowners and not just Jackson Countians. Working to raise awareness on municipal and state ordinances that negatively impact landlords, tenants and homeowners alike, she is excited to see local officials willing to admit there’s been mistakes.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Sean Smith To Host Housing Affordability Town Hall With Representative Jon Patterson And KC Regional Housing Alliance
