Kansas City Council Shares Concern Over Sideshow Crackdowns

Tonight we share just a bit more 12th & Oak double talk as a few politicos are still shy about endorsing even a modicum of law & order on local streets.

The latest example . . . Council members second-guessing legislation they voted for and hoping that contradictory statements save them hassle in the future . . . Check-it . . .

Impounding spectator vehicles is a concept that concerns Third District Councilwoman Melissa Robinson, who’s now pushing for public awareness after the law passed.

The way the law is written, applying to anyone within 200 feet of the activity, could lead to someone being wrongfully impacted by the ordinance, Robinson said.

“I am concerned about the public awareness about this and would want folks to know they shouldn’t be participating as a spectator in these types of sideshows,” Robinson said. “We also want to make sure that folks aren’t being penalized or punished unnecessarily.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

New KC law increases street racing fines. But some city officials fear negative impacts

Besides increasing fines, police can now also impound a vehicle based on probable cause alone. Before the new law, officers were required to have a warrant.
