Kansas City Coffee Shop 'Fed Up' Amid Small Biz Crime Wave

A few press conferences and tough talk PROBABLY isn't going to solve rising crime against local biz.

And so we wanted to share more reporting on local biz perspective on challenges their confronting this year . . . Here's the word:

The employee was walking home after grabbing dinner when they were targeted and had to give up everything they had on them.

Oddly Correct Coffee Bar moved into the space on E. 42nd Street and Troost Avenue three years ago.

It wasn’t until this time last year, co-owner Mike Schroeder says he’s noticed more vandalism and violent crime.

“I am kind of fed up seeing so many people being victimized in Kansas City,” Schroeder said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City coffee shop owner speaks out after employee robbed

The co-owner of a Kansas City coffee shop says one of its employees were robbed at gunpoint walking home in the South Hyde Park area.
