Kansas City Backs Down On Surge Pricing Parking Scheme

We'll double back on this for the morning but newshounds reading late should get a look at yet another sign that 12th & Oak doesn't really know what they're doing and isn't operating from any workable plan or data . . . Check-it:

After pushback from some business owners and residents, the pricing program will be phased out in the River Market by the end of the week, Kansas City press secretary Sherae Honeycutt said Monday.

To compensate, the base rates for street parking have been raised in the Crossroads, River Market and Power & Light Districts, Honeycutt said.

“The team is exploring additional metered areas in business districts in the greater downtown area where parking remains a challenge,” Honeycutt wrote in a statement

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC reverses course, drops some surge 'event' parking costs. Is your neighborhood affected?

The new pricing structure created parking meter bills up to $40 in some KC neighborhoods. Now, city officials are reversing course in at least one neighborhood.
