Kansas Blog Prose Debates Light Vs. Dark Amid Campaign 2024

We're only sharing this link because it's the kind of flowery dreck that would NEVER appear in any serious news publication yet dark-money-donor nonprofit sties love this kind of stuff because it caters to their worldview. 

The premise: Campaign 2024 is a choice betwixt good vs. evil. 

Meanwhile any Star Wars geek can tell cinema fans that "only a Sith deals in absolutes." 

In American politics there's rising frustration with the "Uniparty" as BILLIONS of dollars has been directed toward the war in Ukraine with very little open debate even in the most detailed political conversations regarding opposing candidates. 

Just for giggles: It's easy to denounce opponents on culture war issues but the vast majority policy work involves mundane efforts like property codes & detailed oversight of tax structures wherein the public is far too disinterested to take notice and grandiose ethical parables RIGHTFULLY seem stupid.

More to the point . . . 

Even for op/ed scribes . . . Journalism 101 advises us to steer away from fancy prose and focus on clear, concise and direct use of language that's easily understood by most people. 

There are many reasons why this column from the Kansas Reflector is pure garbage and we trust our readers to share even more observations.

From our perspective . . . 

What is more telling is that even "progressive" pundits seem increasingly unafraid condemn their opposition as "forces of darkness" on a Sunday. 


"We are at a political equinox in the course of our democracy, a time when forces are nearly equally aligned. We are not at balance, but in chaotic turmoil, and the days that follow Nov. 5 must surely become shorter for one side than the other."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Our political equinox will soon end. Whether it ends in light or shadow is our choice. * Kansas Reflector

The period between Labor Day and the autumnal equinox is a time of passage, a bridge from the haze of summer to the crispness of fall.
