Kansas Archbishop Condemns 'Twilight Zone' Support For Abortion

Archbishop Joseph Naumann shares an apt analogy for this week that might speak to our mass media dominated culture.

Agree or disagree, the column is worthwhile for Sunday . . . Here's the crux of the argument that resonates amid election season and as another abortion showdown looms in Missouri, across the state line from this outspoken local cleric . .  .

"In 2024, we are living in a culture that is in a moral twilight zone where evil is revered as good, and what is noble is considered disgraceful. In this ethically topsy-turvy twilight zone, abortion — described by early feminists Susan B. Anthony and  Alice Paul as the ultimate exploitation of women — is now hailed as the cornerstone of women’s rights.

"Abortion is euphemistically referred to as “reproductive health care.” How can anyone take seriously the label “reproductive health care,” when it results in one patient (the child) dead and the other (the mother) emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and often physically scarred?

"Margaret Sanger, the foundress of Planned Parenthood and a racist who embraced eugenics and the idea that an answer to eliminating poverty was to kill poor children, is still heralded by many pro-abortion advocates as a heroine and visionary."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

With abortions rising, we are all called to be 'islands of mercy' - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

The "Twilight Zone" reruns can be found on late night cable stations.
