Jackson County Prosecutor's Office Hypes Ex-Con Voter Registration

Even amid a historic crime wave and high-profile local homicides that shook local communities to their core, we notice elected officials seemingly putting the interests of criminals ahead of so many other local residents. 

To be fair . . .

TKC doesn't want to deny anyone the right to vote. 

It's just unclear that "too few ex-cons voting" is really a crisis that merits of the attention of top law enforcement officials . . . During a crime wave no less.

However . . .

It's not our job to judge . . . Our analysis merely suggests that this might be part of the reason that "Mean Jean" might be one of the least popular elected officials in the metro and at the end of her tenure it's unlikely that she could get elected to dog catcher. 

Don't mistake that previous line for hateration. Instead, agree or disagree, there is no denying that Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peter Backer BELIEVES in a progressive agenda that champions social & restorative justice given that she has endured nearly nonstop criticism from both conservatives and the urban core as she put her ideas into practice throughout her tenure.

And so . . .

We merely share this note in order to document election season advocacy from the courthouse.

Check-it . . .

Jackson County Prosecutor's Office Press Release: Expungement clinic and voter registration opportunities this month

In an effort to ensure each eligible person has a right to vote come November, two special clinics are scheduled this month to help citizens register to vote and to help persons restore their right to vote.

The first clinic will be next Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 3:30 to 7 p.m., followed by a second clinic on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. Both clinics will be at Morning Star Community Center, 2525 E 27thh St. in Kansas City. Sept. 17, 2024, is also National Voter Registration day.

Persons who should consider attending include those who want to restore their right to vote after a past felony conviction; anyone not registered to vote in the state of Missouri; and anyone who has changed addresses since the last time they voted.

The Expungement Clinic and Voter Registration effort are hosted by the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office, the Urban League of Greater Kansas City and Urban Summit.

See attached flyer.


Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com screen cap . . .

Developing . . .
