Insider: Lawsuit Risks Jackson County Assessment Takeover

This week Jackson County Exec's office made a bold statement and started a legal battle against Missouri over controversial property tax increases.

The bad news . . . 

Insiders already know that very little of the legal complaint will impact Missouri regulatory action against the Courthouse. 

And so we question . . . 

Will Missouri grant an injunction against enforcement of Missouri Tax Commission rules?!?! 

Insiders say that's unlikely and if it DOESN'T happen then things will get politically dire for the Executive very quickly. 

Here's the word . . .

"(Jackson County Executive) Frank White is playing with fire. What he doesn't know is that Missouri can EASILY appoint a "Special Master" and take control of the Assessment Department if he doesn't comply. 

Moreover, he is likely going to have a hard time making arguments about political influence to Missouri judges. 

At some point the legal games will have to end that might be sooner rather than later. What few people in the Exec's office seem to understand is that there is a wide array of tools Missouri holds to sanction any elected official who isn't obeying their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States AND of the state of Missouri."

Read more via links . . .

Jackson County files legal challenge against State Tax Commission's order

Jackson County filed a legal challenge against the Missouri State Tax Commission's order on Wednesday, arguing the move was highly politicized and unprecedented.

Jackson County sues to undo order to roll back property values, citing political bias

The county filed a court challenge seeking to undo last month's State Tax Commission order to roll back property tax assessment increases.

Property assessments: Jackson County files challenge to State Tax Commission's order

Jackson County has filed a legal challenge against the State Tax Commission's order regarding property assessments.

Developing . . .
