The life lesson . . .
Cooperation, teamwork and optimism helped overcome willful, stubborn old goats causing trouble down by the river.
More deets . . .
For whatever reason, the goats had chosen two large concrete pads along the the Riverfront Heritage Trail as their base of operations.
They've been spotted there, and in nearby areas, for several weeks.
Their appearance is still a mystery. No one knows where they came from, or how they got there.
For whatever reason, the goats had chosen two large concrete pads along the the Riverfront Heritage Trail as their base of operations.
To save them from themselves, an extraction plan was hatched . . . A large crew of officers and volunteers took trucks and barriers and created a makeshift goat corral.
The whole operation took just shy of two hours - the goats were not cooperative.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
End of an era: Mystery goats on KC riverfront finally captured
All of Kansas City can finally sleep easier tonight knowing the ten mystery goats who'd set up camp on the KC riverfront have been captured.
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