Grandview Suspect Admits Horrific BBQ Doggie Abuse Against Ex

Recently the increasingly silly Presidential contest has featured nasty allegations amount immigrant populations and pets.

Our blog community reaction . . . It was kinda funny to note that most locals are cool with migrants taking out a few geese that often annoy locals by way of constant quacking & pooping . . . Also, everybody deserves Thanksgiving.

However . . .

A local crime report about domestic violence and some of the horrible threats that local women have to endure during a separation should have been a bigger deal this week but was lost in the mix. To be fair, most Kansas City news outlets kept this story off their front page.

Most of the reporting comes with a TRIGGER WARNING . . . The specifics from the police report can get kinda gruesome so don't continue if you don't wanna know . . .

"Court records indicate that police responded to a disturbance and found SUSPECT under the influence of narcotics.

"At the scene, officers discovered the remains of a dog on a smoking barbecue grill. Blood was found leading from inside the residence to the grill.

"The suspect had blood on his body, though it did not appear to be from any injury to himself, according to a probable cause statement.

"SUSPECT admitted to killing the dog, which belonged to the victim, who had previously obtained a restraining order against him."

Read more via link . . .

KMBC: Grandview man charged in graphic case of animal abuse; Accused of killing ex's dog
