The B-21 Raider is one of many reasons to be happy about living in the US and not some godforsaken place that was cursed with oil and natural resources.
With more B-21s in production . . . Congressman Alford wants Missouri to host the advanced military tech and the HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF JOBS that will follow.
Here's the word . . .
Whiteman Air Force Base is home to the current B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. Missouri Congressman Mark Alford, who sits on the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, said the base is the perfect home for the new aircraft.
“So many times, in my job that I’ve been on the job for almost 19 to 20 months now, a lot of it is bad news that we have to share with the American people. This is something actually positive that I, along with my predecessor, Vicky Hartzler, worked on and others on the Armed Services Committee have helped with. One of the big things that we had in our advantage is the main operating base for the B-2 stealth bomber,” Alford told Missourinet. “And so, we are adding military construction out there that will help. There’s some things we’re going to need to do different.”
Alford, a west-central Missouri Republican, said the head of Global Strike Command has his eyes on Whiteman Air Force Base for even bigger things.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Missouri Congressman Alford says Whiteman AFB could be premier site for future stealth bombers - Missourinet
The United States is buying at least 100 B-21 Raider stealth bombers, and some of those will be going to Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. The U.S. Air Force said the west-central Missouri base will be getting the second wave of the futuristic warplanes.
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