Actually . . . There's a bit of debate on Plaza plans going forward.
However . . .
We don't blame resident for being cautious given that The Plaza is where most promises go to die and there's no assurance that Gracie Hunt will save residents despite the promise of new ownership.
Here's a glimpse at the sitch . . .
When you walk along the 4000 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, the stretch where Christina Boveri and her neighbors live is an R-6 zone. That means only single-family homes can be built. But when you go right behind their yards on Washington Street, Block Real Estate Services wants to turn four open lots into an R-.75 zone so they can build a 20-unit three-story apartment building in the neighborhood.
“They could potentially build up to 60 feet,” Boveri argued if they qualify for that type of rezoning. “We have lost our privacy, not only our property values are going down, but we’ve lost our quality of life.”
“We do not intend to build to that height as we are proposing a 3-story building at 31 feet,” Block Real Estate Services Will Block countered. “No matter the final zoning category of any residential development, the infill standards restrict the proposed development max height to 48 feet.”
Read more via link . . .
'Not in our neighborhood': Plaza Westport homeowners take on developers
Homeowners in the Plaza Westport Community say "not in our neighborhood" regarding another high-rise apartment building overlooking their backyards.
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