TKC Told You So: Kansas City Small Biz Shattered Glass Crime Spree Sparks Outcry

We talked about these urban small biz attacks at the outset of the week.

And now . . .

A local night of broken glass has sparked a realization amongst small biz owners that fighting local crime is one of the most important services that KCMO can provide . . . Check-it:

It’s typically easy for observers to marginalize Kansas City’s east side by saying high crime is just a Troost problem, Goode said, noting it’s more difficult to push the community and city to collectively address the issue.

“This time, it was so much different, all these businesses were impacted the same night,” he said. “It forces our hand as a city to come together, because now we’re not isolated. Now, people are not able to lean into the stigma that, ‘Oh, it’s just Troost.’ It forces us to have dialogue.”

Read more via link . . .

At least 9 storefronts hit in overnight crime spree; entrepreneurs want to shatter idea it's a Troost-only problem

A recent mini crime wave - stretching from the Crossroads Arts District to Troost Avenue and Brookside - mirrors a series of break-ins and vandalism incidents at the Country Club Plaza and beyond, business owners said, reflecting a citywide danger that demands a city response.
