Preston Smith Shares Sneak Peek At Jackson County Property Tax Court Fight

One of our favorite tax fighers posted this preview just a few moments ago that provides a glimpse at how the courthouse is playing "stall ball" following a recent regulatory crackdown.

Here's the word . . .

Preston Smith INSIDE SCOOP: My best insider sources in Jackson County tell me that the County attorneys are NOT going to file an injunction to block the State Tax Commission order before the 30-day deadline the STC gave the County to respond comes on Sept. 6. 

Preston Smith INSIDE SCOOP: My best insider sources in Jackson County tell me that the County attorneys are NOT going to file an injunction to block the State Tax Commission order before the 30-day deadline the STC gave the County to respond comes on Sept. 6.

Apparently, the County will opt to do nothing (which is far easier than filing anything in court) and not implement the STC order at all.

This will put the ball back in the Attorney General's court to take enforcement action against the County. This would likely look like a court filing against the County that will ask the Court to order the County to comply with the STC order.

This will take time, and the County thinks that time is on their side. Next week the County has to provide the school districts with estimated assessments for 2024, and the districts have until Oct. 1 to set the levies for next year. It is unlikely that any court filing is going to be settled before Oct 1 to give the school districts more direction.

All the while, the next assessment for 2025 is coming down the track like a train. New property values should be in mailboxes by April 2025 . . .


Developing . . .
