Outrage After Satanic Temple Adopts Street In Kansas City

Local social media reaction to a mostly pointless sign is just some of the garbage showing up in our feed today.

Reality check . . .

The Satanic Temple of Missouri has been adopting streets across the state for the better part of 20 years. 

Still . . . We agree that recent placement of the sign near 18th & Vine is in poor taste given that the district has enough problems finding a sustainable profit model. 

Meanwhile . . . Those of us who know media understand this sign is mostly a tired old gimmick intended to draw attention and focus attention on a conversation about religious freedom or lack thereof.

Still . . .

We liked this reference and we direct readers to more passionate discourse against this sign of the times:

"You all have been warned but you keep putting them in office. Smh. This sends a strong direct message . Satan ruler of darkness has publicly announced the setup of his throne."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

KC Discover (@kansascitydiscover) on Threads

Many are outraged to learn that the Satanic Temple has adopted 18th and Vine, leading to inquiries about the city's decision to permit the adoption of this historically significant neighborhood. Check the comments for video!
