Newsflash: Angry Missouri Republicans Campaign Against Kansas City

Our cowtown has long served as a punching bag for hayseeds in rural Missouri. 

Degrading the urban core is a cute trick for rural Missouri politicos who are quick to overlook all of the opioid deaths, healthcare heartache, highway potholes and poverty in their own backyard. 

The big city envy trend isn't new but over the past decade Kansas City politicos seem less capable of navigating culture war and focusing on MONEY . . . Which is the only thing politicos REALLY care about . . .

And so . . .

Here's the local public radio already pouting about the upcoming Missouri statewide sweep and lack of any real progress for Show-Me State Democratic Party leaders . . . Check-it:

"More diverse and liberal than the rest of Missouri, Kansas City is often the target of Republicans seeking to score political points by painting cities as dangerous."

Read more via link . . .

Missouri Republicans share a campaign tactic: Punching down on Kansas City and St. Louis

GOP candidates often paint Missouri's biggest cities as hotbeds for crime and lawlessness. Then they translate that into pushing laws in the statehouse that restrict the power of city leaders.
