KCFD Hero Saves Drowning Youngster

We put this report in a compilation earlier in the day but right now it stands out because of the first person interview and more deets on local heroism . . . Check-it:

[The Firefighter] helped perform CPR on the seven-year-old until they were stable and EMS arrived.

The child was transported to Children's Mercy and is expected to recover, according to KCPD.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

'I was just doing my job': KCFD off-duty firefighter saves child's life after nearly drowning

Brandon Hullinger, a 17-year veteran KCFD firefighter, was praised for his work after jumping into action and saving a child from drowning while he was off-duty.

KCFD firefighter recalls saving 7-year-old from drowning

Brandon Hullinger, an off-duty KCFD fire apparatus operator, jumped into action when a young child was struggling in the water

Developing . . .
