Kansas GOP Defeated In Johnson County?!?

Along with the inherent goodness, patience and kind souls of white women . . . Shifting demographics is the second greatest factor that has influenced voting trends in this Kansas enclave . . . Sadly, newsies focus on political rhetoric rather than more easily identifiable cultural shifts in their triumphant takeover report . . . Check-it:

“Johnson County, Kansas, is critically important to the Republican Party in every election cycle, but never more important than it is in 2024,” says Kansas Republican Party Chair Mike Brown.  

Johnson County’s state Senate representation is nearly split, with the GOP controlling five seats and the Democrats controlling four. (District 35 is without an incumbent.) On the House side, the Democrats hold an advantage of 16 seats to 11.  

“Johnson County as a whole has gone from solid red … to purple,” says Michael Smith, a professor of political science at Emporia State University. “And now Johnson County really has a blue lane.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Johnson County Becomes Crucial Battleground in Election 2024

In Republican-dominated Kansas, Johnson County is increasingly seen as a toss-up by both Republicans and Democrats this election year.
