Kansas City Westside Redesign Part Deux Starts Today

That top photo was a promo for a ferris wheel but TKC has rebranded it with this title: 

"Carnival of lies"

Apropos for flashback Friday . . . 

This apt quote came to mind when considering new efforts at neighborhood preservation . . . 

Former Prez Ronnie Reagan: "I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

Accordingly, here's the latest on a local effort . . .

"Last week, Kansas City, Missouri, Mayor Quinton Lucas and the City Council passed an ordinance approving a contract with engineering consultant firm WSP to execute a design professional services agreement for a planning study that outlines the Westside vision."

Just moments ago the presser and start to THOUSANDS OF HOURS WASTED IN COMMUNITY MEETINGS  . . . 

"Today, Mayor Lucas announced Kansas City is now working with an engineering firm to create a planning study outlining the Westside community’s vision and priorities to improve safety and connectivity around I-35."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .

Westside neighborhood welcomes changes as KCMO moves forward with Reconnecting the Westside project

Last year, KC received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program.

Developing . . .
