Kansas City Star Clandestinely Campaigns For Rep. Sharice Davids?!?

In fairness, we're not sure if enough people read the paper for it to matter . . . Also, the campaigning isn't so secret if they're willing to dig up a Prairie Village Republican voting the other way . . .

"As a registered Republican who has lived in Prairie Village for more than 30 years, I am deeply concerned about Reddy’s extreme stance on abortion. He believes politicians — not patients and their trusted health care providers — should decide abortion policies. After witnessing the recent attempts by certain state legislators and Attorney General Kris Kobach to restrict personal freedoms in Kansas, we cannot afford to have another extreme politician representing us at the national level."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

I'm a Republican Kansas OB-GYN. Prasanth Reddy would strip away my patients' rights | Opinion

Rep. Sharice Davids' challenger welcomed the Supreme Court gutting Roe v. Wade. That's the opposite of personal freedom. | Opinion
