Kansas City Royals Consider Another SILLY Location For NO VOTE Downtown Stadium

What's better than a bad idea . . .


Of course removing voters from the process will be a sketchy tactics.

And then . . .

The new location also seems horrible even if getting rid of empty office space is a good idea. 

Here's a peek at what passes for a plan . . .

Washington Square Park has recently emerged as the more substantial exploration, and they are still in that phase — exploration. Both the team and the city have separately studied the viability of the location neighboring Crown Center and Union Station, including having Populous, the Royals’ architectural firm, analyze the most basic question of the uniquely-shaped space: 

Will it fit? 

In that potential site, the ballpark would sit between Main Street and Grand Boulevard in Kansas City, just north of Pershing Road.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Royals, city of KC studying new downtown stadium site. Mayor Lucas wants to avoid vote

The Kansas City Royals are still evaluating options for a stadium in a downtown KC location, sources said, with the Mayor and city involved.
