Kansas City Mayor Q Cheers Second Amendment Preservation FAIL

Recently, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas doubled down against Missouri Republicans as he issued a triumphant press release following the defeat of controversial pro-gun legislation.

The basics . . .

The Eighth Circuit Court dismissed Missouri’s appeal, ruling that “We agree that the United States has standing to sue. Because the Act purports to invalidate federal law in violation of the Supremacy Clause, we affirm the judgment.”

In its appeal, the State of Missouri argued the United States is not “entitled to [Missouri’s] assistance with the enforcement of federal law.” The Eight Circuit Court responded that when Missouri began enforcing the Act, the United States was “injured by the withdrawal of state resources,” which is not the same as being entitled to those resources.

The Act was further upheld as unconstitutional, the Court ruled, because “a State cannot invalidate federal law to itself.”

For Kansas City residents & voters . . . The Mayor's response is exceptionally relevant  . . . 

"Thankfully, we have strong courts in this region that have stopped repeated unlawful Missouri state actions. I am saddened that our state expended the time and energy of many in our legal system in service of this clearly unconstitutional effort," said Mayor Lucas."

To be fair . . .

Critics of Mayor Q could make the same kind of statement regarding KCMO spending 2.3 MILLION BUCKS in a losing battle over police control. 

Either way . . .

The Mayor's hostility against Missouri Republican legislation and 2nd Amendment protections remains important as we slouch toward campaign season.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com screencap sent our way by BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS . . .

Developing . . .
