Kansas City 1968 Rail To Airport Study Well-Remembered

One of our favorite local bloggers on the nicer side of the bridge shares an EXCEPTIONAL find and glimpse at urban planning of not so long ago.

Here's part of his apt analysis . . .

"They studied three ways to get from downtown to the Airport.  I have always maintained that the only way rail ever goes to the airport is if it also provides a financially viable freight purpose and the study had the same idea I had, to build a line west of I-435 to the west side of the airport  . . . In this situation, a Chicago suburb style "Metra" line could run along the existing freight tracks and stop in Riverside, Parkville, and then the airport while also opening the west side of KCI to industrial development which would pay freight service fees to help pay the maintenance costs."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

LCL Blog: 1968 Kansas City Rail to the Airport Study
