Kansas AG Kris Kobach Argues Against Death Penalty Delays

The legal maverick shares an important op/ed that disputes so many lawyers and convicted killers playing for time.

Here's the crux of his argument . . .

Kansas has the death penalty, but the last time it executed someone was 1965.

There were more murderers on death row, but they died of natural causes because the executions were delayed by so many years. Parents of the victims are dying before the killers. That is the only problem with the death penalty in Kansas.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kris Kobach: The only problem with Kansas' death penalty is that it takes too long | Opinion

The attorney general disputes a recent Star guest commentary opposing executions by the state. | Opinion

Kansas' long, ambivalent relationship with capital punishment

Three decades after the state passed its current death penalty law, its new execution chamber remains unused. So much has changed since 1994, in fact, that the state might soon be forced to choose yet again how justice should be refashioned.
