Blue Springs Dude Fights Phone Company Over Land Line Obsolescence

A peak at the future . . . This report shows us land lines slowly going the way of The Dodo for the last remaining old-school codgers who keep them . . . Check-it:

At home, he prefers to use his copper landline for telephone access during a power failure.

His frustrations grew over the past few years when he said AT&T technicians would patch the line but not offer a permanent solution.

“They’re not bashful about taking my $87 every month when I pay them for the landline,” he said. “And if they’re going to accept my money, I think they need to support the service that you’re providing me.”

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Blue Springs man frustrated with landline service asks AT&T for permanent fix

AT&T says it is working to correct a man's landline phone service after his repeated attempts to get the problem fixed.
