Average 'Starter Home' In Mission Hills: ONE MILLION BUCKS

Certainly, most locals aren't looking to buy their first home in one of this town's priciest enclaves. 

However . . .

Let's not overlook the trend and home ownership becoming part of the growing American class divide that's worsened with a turbulent economy.

Accordingly . . .

To keep reader costs low . . . We "liberated" this quick quote from behind the paywall of a local biz news website . . .

"Mission Hills is one of 237 cities in the U.S. where the lowest third of home values in a given region are above $1 million, according to a study from Zillow Group Inc. Zillow defines homes in the lowest third in terms of value as "starter homes." Mission Hills has an average starter home value of $1.05 million."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .