Teen Suspect In Deadly Kansas City Chiefs Rally Mass Shooting Sentenced To Camp

Earlier in the week we blogged that no adult charges would be filed . . .

Now more deets emerge . . .

It seems that loss of phone privileges and some time away from home under adult supervision are the only consequence for participation in what many believe was an act of terror and errant gunfire that injured more than 21 people and killed a woman.

Again, it's worth noting a few more important fact in the case that has been downplayed by local media and elected officials . . . Other teen suspects in this incident have already been released from custody.

Here's an apt quote and more reporting . . .

"The teen’s attorney, requested he be released on an intensive supervision program and house arrest with a condition of no social media use.

" 'Our house is not a home without him,' the teen’s mother told Phillips.

"But an attorney representing the juvenile office argued that time in the youth facility would help separate him from any negative peer influences.

"Two other teens have been charged in the shooting. Phillips ruled last month that one of them will not face prosecution as an adult, and the other one was detained on gun-related charges that don't rise to the level of being tried as an adult."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

15-year-old charged in Chiefs rally shooting sentenced to state facility for youths

The teen described himself as a good kid before he became associated with a group of peers involved in the deadly Feb. 14 shooting at the Super Bowl victory parade. A commitment at the state Department of Youth Services facility typically lasts 9 to 12 months.
