South Side Kansas City Rebukes Shoddy Sidewalk Repair & Public Works

Scathing testimony regarding repair that's highly touted on social media but doubted by residents.

Check-it . . .

"All of these pictures demonstrate what little regard City Hall, and Public Works in particular, actually has for those living out in the neighborhoods – at least in the southeast corner of KC. Mr. Shaw can brag about all the sidewalks he’s taken care of, but I doubt very much if he would like living in these conditions. Are the sidewalks safer to use? Probably. Have they created an environment that is welcoming and inviting? Most definitely not."

Read more via link . . .

KCMO Public Works FAIL

In criminology there's a theory which I'm sure most have heard of, though perhaps not as much recently as when it was first put forth. According to the Broken Window Theory, visible signs of crime only encourage more crime. That theory has been used by some in the Hickman Mills Community, though with the term...
