Recent Gunfire Didn't Scare Away New Country Club Plaza Owners

Nobody can say they didn't know what they were getting into . . .

Even after the shooting at Shake Shack that sparked a wave of concern and more police patrols, new owners reportedly were not dissuaded from taking ownership of the embattled Country Club Plaza. 

Of all the hype and celebratory coverage . . . We think this quote about the future of the district stands out more than any other . . . 

“While under contract, there were shootings, that’s no secret, and there were holdups. We determined we could overcome that with proper steps that we take in our other centers.”

Read more via link . . .

New Plaza owner shares vision for iconic district - including a return to local cuisine

"We want to get the right tenants," Ray Washburne said. "We're not signing up like the previous landlord a lot of national tenants. We want the right tenant in there, not somebody who has a huge balance sheet."
