Newsflash: Kansas City 'Journalism' Reveals Racist Wealth Distribution?!?

Actually . . . This isn't really journalism at all.

It's not even good sociology. 

Instead . . . Local "public" news that's mostly funded by corporate grants offers us a glimpse at clandestine political activism that capitalizes on white guilt and a condescending view of diverse communities that are, in fact, enjoying more economic prosperity in the US than in any other nation in the world. 

In fairness . . . Here's today's dose of "inequity" from KCUR:

"A graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism who relocated to Kansas City the same year, spent the next three years conducting with her colleague nearly 400 interviews with Black Americans across the country.

"The conversations helped reveal 'the dollars and the cents of their own financial situation,' the colleagues write in their new book, 'Fifteen Cents on the Dollar: How Americans Made the Black-White Wealth Gap.'

"Ebony Reed, who teaches a class with Story on race and money at Yale School of Management, says the title reflects a stark statistic. According to Federal Reserve data, a typical Black family has 15 cents in wealth for every dollar a typical white family has in wealth."

Read more via link . . .

A Kansas City journalist takes an 'immersive' dive into the nation's racial wealth gap in new book

Ebony Reed's "Fifteen Cents on the Dollar: How Americans Made the Black-White Wealth Gap," co-written by Louise Story, follows the lives of seven Black Americans, tying in research about the wealth gap between Black and white Americans.
