Missouri Senator Josh Hawley Advocates Christian Nationalism

A bold statement by Missouri's Senator has sparked rebuke even from moderate Republicans. 

Politically, this probably doesn't hurt him.

However . . . 

While we don't want to delve into pointless separation between Church & State arguments with dishonest keyboard warriors who are unfamiliar with most of the legal precedent on the matter. It's worth pointing out that smarter people than local bloggers understand "Christian nationalism" isn't exactly a "conservative" reading of the Constitution.

Then again, there are more important things than politics . . . Like branding, flexing and EXCELLENT HAIR. Sen. Hawley has nailed all three in his latest blast.

To be fair, here's the statement in his own words with links to more info . . .

Senator Hawley also became the second U.S. politician after Marjorie Taylor Greene to declare themselves a “Christian nationalist”:

 “Some will say now that I am calling America a Christian nation. So I am. And some will say that I am advocating Christian nationalism. And so I do.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Sen. Josh Hawley Declares His Support Of Christian Nationalism

"Some will say that I am advocating Christian nationalism," the Missouri Republican said Monday. "And so I do."

Josh Hawley Makes Terrifying Threat to Revive Christian Nationalism

Senator Josh Hawley is saying the quiet part out loud on the Republican agenda.

Developing . . .
