Missouri GOP Stays Losing Appeal To Kick KKK Candidate Off Ballot

A bit more context about this embarrassment and efforts by BOTH PARTIES to flex on future candidates who don't really align with their platforms . . . Check-it:

The state Republican Party waited until June 17 to file its notice of appeal, almost a week after the June 11 deadline for the courts to order changes to the ballot.

The order signed by Chief Judge Anthony Gabbert does not discuss the merits of the appeal. It cites the law limiting judicial power and states the court “would be unable to grant relief.”

The core of both cases is whether political parties can control who appears on the primary ballot by refusing filing fees.

For state candidates like McClanahan, the fee must be paid directly to the political party. Candidates for county offices can pay the fee at the local election authority office and it is then forwarded to the local party.

The secretary of state’s office won’t allow a candidate to file if they do not have the receipt showing their filing fee has been accepted. In the Vernon County case, the clerk accepted the fee and the filing paperwork at the same time, only to learn later that the party refused the money.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Missouri GOP governor primary ballot will include 'honorary KKK member' after court ruling

The Missouri Republican Party lost a lawsuit seeking to kick Darrell McClanahan III off the ballot for governor. McClanahan, who admitted being an "honorary member" of the Ku Klux Klan in a lawsuit, is listed first among the nine candidates.
