First and foremost, for a more traditional journalistic accounting of this contest, a local community newspaper has a great write-up that does its best to follow old-school reporting standards.
We'll share that first . . .
Martin City Telegraph: Get to Know the Candidates: Missouri Senate District 7: Pat Contreras and Patty Lewis
However . . .
Over the years it has become our "job" to report, analyze and share the deets that other news outlets overlook and/or politely refuse to mention.
Accordingly . . . Here's the latest glimpse at this election slap fight that's just now getting interesting:
Contests amongst Kansas City progressives always have a way of getting ugly but this dispute has a few interesting twists.
Allegedly . . .
Pat Contreras drew "political first blood" by firing off negative mailers about the Missouri voting record of Missouri Rep. Patty Lewis.
And then . . .
Ms. Lewis quickly fired back and rallied a host of locals to her defense over what REALLY wasn't much of an attack.
Double plus good fun . . .
In a contest attempting to influence mostly progressives, Rep. Patty Lewis is leveraging her connections with Black community politicos against Pat Contreras. We'll see if he's smart enough to counter. He has a few power players on his side whilst Rep. Lewis leverages her Jeff City connections. Meanwhile, this tactic proves interesting for TKC because we get to keep score whenever many Eastside leaders talk about Black/Brown unity which is a fun game that MIGHT get even more fun when all of those Honduran youngsters in Northeast turn voting age . . . If Bill Eigel doesn't send their parents packing first?!?
But I digress . . .
We should also mention that Rep. Patty Lewis is doing a better job reaching out to KC's LGBT community. Activist Justice Horn has proclaimed his notable support for Rep. Patty Lewis.
Meanwhile . . .
Pat Contreras has a much better base amongst moderates and near total support from the KCMO biz community.
Something else to consider . . .
Kansas City progressives can share a bit of relief because BOTH of these candidates devoutly adhere to support for "abortion rights" in their campaign lit.
Tonight's main takeaway from www.TonysKansasCity.com . . .
The campaign of Rep. Patty Lewis has leveraged her culture war credentials against Pat Contreras effectively. Meanwhile, older voters (i.e. most voters) might find Contreras more palpable for a serious jorb given that he looks better in a suit and is prettier . . . Sorry, this is all just a mostly pointless Midtown popularity contest anyhoo.Here at TKC . . . WE DO NOT MAKE ENDORSEMENTS . . . And we tried to write this post like a pro sporting contest with just a couple of "hot goss" tidbits to share . . . Trust us, we have more than enough insults to distribute amongst EVERYBODY and we're TRYING to remain snarky but still objective.
For now . . .
What we know for certain is that this fight is gonna get even messier with Kansas City progressives showing their teeth against each other in a brutal battle royale for power that might or might not help super-minority Missouri Democrats enjoy yet another statewide defeat sweep at the hands of Republicans in November.
Developing . . .
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