Kansas City Star Report Claims Bad Cops Still Working In The Dotte

Credit to some of our very best readers for not letting this report slip away during a blitz of national news. 

The premise of the retirement story is more controversial than it seems . . . A retired cop accuses his former colleagues of serious misdeeds and claims they're still in power. 

The crux of the story and a link to more info . . .

"His experience in the KCKPD is more than a history lesson because a couple of those he accuses of protecting bad guys with badges, both in a 2021 deposition and in a long recent interview in his East Texas home, are still in positions of authority in the community."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Former KCKPD captain with cancer: 'I met some very violent people with badges' | Opinion

Yet when Michael Kobe reported problems involving Roger Golubski and others, he says, nothing happened. So why is he the one 'haunted by the fact he could have done more? From Melinda Henneberger:

Developing . . .
