Kansas City Requires Trash Cart Training

Not really.

However . . .

Trash carts are a big achievement for 12th & Oak so they'll spend most of the Summer & Fall trying to drag out delivery in order to feign local progress.

Here's a peek at their message . . .

Many residents also have commented about how pleased they are that dogs and wild animals such as raccoons can no longer tear open trash bags that are now inside the carts to get to food scraps as happened fairly frequently in some areas of the southland.

However, a lack of knowledge about the specific rules for using the carts and inconsistencies about how the rules are enforced has resulted in many peoples’ trash not being picked up some weeks.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

The official rules for the new trash carts

The safest way to ensure trash carts will be emptied is to only put the number of bags in them that allow their lids to be fully closed.
