Kansas City Delays Decision On Urban Farm Despite EPIC Showing Of Community Support

As always . . .

Fighting city hall is a marathon and not a sprint.

Accordingly . . .

The Urbavore team brought dozens of supporters to speak to their cause and instead of discussing the issue, KCMO put off any conversation for another week.

Here's the disappointed yet defiant statement from the group's leader along with more reporting . . .

"We packed the room! But guess what…City Council DIDN’T DO THE THING. They continued it until next THURSDAY!! I am limited in what I can say about this…but I will say that the hundreds of people in the room who took off work to be there and exercise their civic duty were VERY disappointed. The merits of this case are very clear to thousands of KC constituents and a majority of Brown Estates Neighbors. We simply want Council to follow the legal standards, and we want the ability to go back to our personal jobs as farmers & composters & climate fighters. Thursday hearings coincide with our ability to distribute the food we’ve promised to over 135 families."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Urbavore Urban Farm access saga continues in Kansas City

Another delayhas Urbavore co-owners and the neighbors who oppose the urban farming and compost operation both frustrated and disappointed.
