Kansas City Chef On Airport Concessions: 'They Ruined My Brand!!!'

Today another disappointment confronts KCI.

Chef Anita at Soirée Restaurant has taken to social media to voice her complaints and offer video evidence of alleged airport mismanagement. 

She claims the airport isn't keeping their end of the bargain.

There's also some concern about promises made to minority biz.

But more importantly . . . 

The very INFLUENTIAL CHEF ANITA seems to express a great deal of REGRET regarding her support for the airport project overall.

Better than our summary, here's a quote and link to her statement . . .

"They ruined my brand , used my connections to get the vote, put the other restaurants without a local presence in front of major airlines and put Black Owned restaurants on a side that is not even developed yet . Promised that I would make all this money .. yet I’m still struggling .. I’m tired of being quiet!!

So when you go out there and it’s closed or it doesn’t have the favorites that yall are used to getting in the District at the street side location Chef Anita doesn’t have a thing to do with it!!"

Bottom line . . .


The viral post earned a reaction from Mayor Q . . . Here's what he has to say by way of explanation or excuse . . .

 "It pains me reading this. The City gave the concession contract to a separate party that has the contracts, assigned the spaces, and makes these decisions. That said, will check to see what we can do to correct and/or change this. I’ve seen assignment location and share your concerns. I’m meeting again with the concessionaires on it soon. The City has worked closely with Soirée to support the establishment on 18th. Don’t like to see the challenges here where all should be benefiting."

Our www.TonysKansasCity.com takeaway . . . 

Concessions are the only selling point for KCI given so many parking problems and concerns about accessibility. 

Remember . . . 

Northland council member Loar warned everyone about concessions promises vs. reality in a bidding process that was exceptionally divisive & sketchy.

It's worth noting that Mayor Q "won" the concessions argument with a cringe-y call-in vote at the zero hour. 

And so . . .

If KCI now can't even keep their restaurant partners happy . . . We're already on the downward slide of the multi-billion dollar facility.

Developing . . .
