Critics Claim Senator Hawley's 'Christian Replacement Theory' Also Kinda Racist

Again, what's interesting for us about his debate is that it's a bit of a departure from the Senator's policy expertise and delves into ideologue territory. 

Meanwhile . . . 

Again, we're not seeing many conservatives come to the Senator's defense.

Here's another recent attack that takes aim at the premise of Senator Hawley's culture war objections. 

“Instead of Christmas, they want pride month. Instead of prayer in schools, they venerate the trans flag. Diversity, equity and inclusion are their watchwords," Hawley told the crowd.

"Their new Holy Trinity, and they expect their preach much to be obeyed. They may speak of tolerance, but they practice fundamentalism…Now this is the left’s true replacement theory, their true replacement agenda to replace the Christian ideals of which this nation was founded, and to silence those Americans who dare still stand by. Sadly, the Republican Party of the last 30 years has been in no position to resist the onslaught," he continued.

It flies in the face of the "love" Hawley says drives his Christian nationalism.

Read more via links from both sides of the argument . . .

Josh Hawley touts racist theory that liberals want to 'replace Christmas with pride month'

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) spoke to a conference of Christian nationalists on Monday, touting a fabricated version of history and the so-called "Great Replacement Theory" along with it. According to the Bucks County Beacon, Hawley's speech to the National Conservatism Conference excited attendees by ca...

Josh Hawley proposes anti-critical race theory 'Love America Act' - Washington Examiner

Sen. Josh Hawley is proposing the "Love America Act" in the GOP's latest bid to fight the teachings of critical race theory. Hawley, a staunch opponent of the philosophy, said his legislation would combat the "misinformation the Left is spreading" that the United States is "a racist country" that's "systemically evil.""That's not true.

Developing . . .
