Clay Chastain Decries 'Fraud' As Mayor Q Supports Prez Biden

Some were satisfied with Prez Biden's press conference performance this evening.

However . . .

Earlier today we got a message from this town's old school, prolific petitioner.

Here's what he has to say about the sitch:

Clay Chastain Press release: Mayor Lucas, the media and Democrats' cover up of President's Biden's cognitive impairment and decline not only obscures transparency and jeopardizes America's security, but is also the single greatest fraud ever foisted upon the America people.

"Fraud is trying to get someone to believe something that is not true. That Biden has suffered from serious mental decline the last 4-years has been painfully obvious to those who have been paying attention. Many Americans were not paying attention until the debate. The cat is now out of the bag. The fallout is that neither Lucas, the media or many Democrats can ever be trusted again because they deliberately hid a grave matter of importance to the American people for self-serving purposes. Mayor Lucas is an intelligent man and in his political prime, yet he has publicly said he supports the reelection of a man he knows not to be able to fulfill the responsibilities of the most important job in the world. People who don't say or do the right thing for political purposes deeply harm our nation and the people's trust in its public servants."

Developing . . .
