Taylor Swift Boosts Lady Fans For Chiefs But She Could Do Better

Actually . . .

It seems like cold winter months and zero alternatives for entertainment are the best way to force women to watch football. 

Also . . . Beer & lots of cheese-based dishes help . . . Check-it:

"Despite a bump from the superstar singer, the Super Bowl champions — with 40% of its fans being female — lagged behind the Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers — both with 48% — in proportion of female fans, according to a social media analysis by online casino site BetVictor."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Taylor Swift's effect on the Chiefs' audience revealed in mindblowing study

Despite a bump from superstar singer Taylor Swift, the Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs -- with 40% of its fans being female -- lagged behind the Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers -- both with 48% -- in proportion of female fans, according to a social media analysis by online casino site BetVictor.
