Show-Me UNSECURED Teacher Salary Hike

Special thanks to the BEST& BRIGHTEST TKC READERS who note this flaw in recent legislation that creates more uncertainty amongst educators. 

Also, we celebrate the traditional hotness of hottie Cameron even if teachers getting shortchanged is also a tragic fact of life . . . 

Here are the basics and more info . . .

Teachers and education advocates have fought for years to improve starting teacher salaries, which rank among the lowest in the country. Yet many districts and advocates say they don’t believe the bill laid out a clear path for how those increases will be funded. The Missouri School Boards’ Association received at least 200 letters from school officials asking the governor to veto the legislation before he signed it into law, said Caitlyn Whaley, outreach director for the organization.

Some school leaders, like Webb City School District Superintendent Anthony Rossetti, say without consistent funding this new policy has the potential to “decimate” smaller districts.

“You’re promising some things that I don’t know that you can deliver on,” Rosetti said. “We’re the ones who are going to be holding the bag if it doesn’t get funded.”

Read more via link . . .

Missouri passed a $40,000 minimum teacher salary. Some educators worry those raises aren't guaranteed

Starting pay for Missouri teachers will soon rise from $25,000 a year to at least $40,000 thanks to a sweeping new bill that boosts education funding across the state. But the bill doesn't clearly lay out how these increases will be funded, teachers and education advocates say.
