Sure . . .
Kansas City's first lesbian-centric community was a groundbreaking step forward for civil rights, neighborhood building and American FREEDOM wherein people can live how ever they damn well please if they're not hurting anyone else.
However . . .
Years ago when we first heard about this effort . . . We imagined there would be more slumber parties and pillow fights.
Not so.
Here's a more accurate celebration of local history . . .
"At its peak in the mid-90s, more than 80 women called Womontown home. Together, they owned 28 homes and 14 apartment buildings in Longfellow. While many of these residents eventually moved away in the decades that followed, the neighborhood served as a haven for LGBTQ+ women despite a lack of widespread acceptance."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com links . . .
A lesbian enclave in Midtown Kansas City? Inside Womontown's rich LGBTQ+ history
The residential Longfellow neighborhood in Missouri will soon celebrate the intentional queer community that called it home in the 1990s.
A new Kansas City historic marker plaque will honor the iconic Womontown community
Kansas City, with help from the Gay and Lesbian Archives of Mid-America, will unveil a historical marker next Thursday in the Longfellow neighborhood highlighting the historic Womontown community that once lived there.
And here's a documentary that chronicles the journey for those who want to learn more . . .
You decide . . .
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