Kansas City Zombie Racist Sends Juneteenth Best Wishes?!?

As always, we repeat our offer . . .

If it would help advance racial healing and understanding throughout all of the Kansas City metro . . . TKC would gladly dig this guy up and kill him again.

However, we're pretty sure that wouldn't settle so much animosity and discontent amongst many activists who make their living by way of reigniting longstanding grievances.

In the meantime, we share a historical note . . .

ReeceNichols can trace it beginnings back to controversial Kansas City developer J. C. Nichols -- The architect of local racially restrictive covenants. 

And so brought to our attention by BEST & BRIGHTEST TKC READERS  . . .  

Today's holiday message is either inspiring or horribly cynical.

We'll let our www.TonysKansasCity.com blog community make the call . . . 

Take a peek . . .

You decide . . .
