Kansas City Star Sells Confusion & Fear

Today, the newspaper offers a typically uninformed opinion that not only ignores statistical data but also recent history . . . Here's the money line and a reminder that our local media denizens are mostly uninterested in a conversation about public safety beyond their own partisan bubble . . . Check-it:

"I spent some time reflecting on why I didn’t go. Was I being a couch potato? Was it because of the hassle of crowds, or finding a good place to sit?

"Mostly, I realized, it was fear of gun violence. That night, it seemed that I let out a collective breath of relief when the final horn and firework sounded without any victims."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

I let fear of gun violence keep me from KC's Celebration at the Station. I regret it | Opinion

The fatal mass shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl victory rally was still on Yvette Walker's mind this Memorial Day weekend.
