Kansas City 'Middle Of The Map' Crackdown ALMOST Explained

For those who aren't into street racing culture . . . Here's a bit more explanation of the Kansas City Police Memorial Day weekend police action against stunt riders . . .

MOM or Middle Of The Map is an annual street ride gathering that has thwarted KCPD for years. 

Last year might have been the pinnacle of the ride when HUNDREDS of motorcycle enthusiasts took over KC Streets . . . Here's a highlight clip for those who might've missed it . . . 

This time around KCPD seemed ready for action and, as we noted previously, the crowd wasn't as big and crackdown efforts seemed successful . . .

Over the weekend, KCPD towed nine cars, arrested multiple people and cited dozens of violations for racing, spectating and hazardous moving.

Officers focused on Downtown Kansas City and entertainment districts . . .

Over 20 officers were involved in the enforcement effort during the holiday weekend.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City police cracking down on illegal street racing

Over the weekend, KCPD continued its efforts to counter illegal street racing involving ATVs and motorcycle groups.

Of course, they couldn't catch everybody and here's a far more humble clip of weekend riders that was recently posted . . .

Developing . . .
