Kansas City Fears Food Insecurity Ahead of SNAP Cuts

The obvious joke here is that there are clearly a lot of fatties walking around that could afford to skip a few meals.

That's HILARIOUS . . . Until we consider how much money is going overseas to fund wars across the world.

Here's a peek at the budget reality . . .

"The House Agriculture Committee released its version of the farm bill, which cuts nearly $30 billion from a critical federal feeding program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, formerly known as food stamps."

 More about local impact . . .

"In the local area served by the Harvesters Community Food Network, which includes 26 counties in northeast Kansas and northwest Missouri, the number of people experiencing food insecurity jumped 30%, from 252,650 people to 329,290. That means 1 in 8 of our neighbors are unsure if they will be able to put food on the table tonight.

"Even more alarming is the nearly 40% increase in food insecurity among children. 105,590 children in our community — 1 in 6 — will not have the food they need to play, learn and grow. When kids are fed, their futures are fueled."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Food insecurity is up 30% in the Kansas City region. Don't let Congress gut SNAP | Opinion

The House of Representatives is proposing a massive cut to the most effective and efficient nutrition program we have. | Opinion
