Kansas City Councilman Alleges Antisemitism Amid Ceasefire Protest

As we noted earlier this week . . .

Today Kansas City activists and student protesters demand a ceasefire resolution from city council in addition to funding for humanitarian aid in Gaza. 

 Moments ago . . .

Northland councilman Nathan Willett sent this e-mail blast far and wide wherein he explains his objections and claps back against activists. 

For the record, Mayor Q is going to vote NO on bringing the resolution forward. 

Agree or disagree . . . There's no denying the importance of his perspective as an elected representative and one of the few conservative voices at 12th & Oak.

Via encouragement from many www.TonysKansasCity.com readers here's the word . . .

Standing up to Antisemitism in City Hall

Later today, during our City Council session, a few of my fellow Councilmembers want to turn KC city hall into what we have seen on college campuses all around the country these past few months.

I have received over 1,000 emails calling for a "ceasefire resolution" over the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East.

What is missing in these emails from groups like KC Tenants, Al-Hadaf, and AIRR - among many items? Not ONE mention of the events of October 7, 2023 - the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust.

One of the biggest tools that antisemites use is leaving out facts about atrocities that our Jewish friends have faced like the Holocaust and, in this case, October 7th.

I knew this week was coming and prepared for it by being peaceful & proactive.

This past week our full council voted unanimously in support of a resolution honoring our 33rd President Harry S. Truman and his legacy (his legacy includes the recognition of Israel) by directing city staff to hang an American flag off the balcony of city hall behind the exact same George Washington statue through June 14th, Flag Day.

This is the same symbolic gesture that the Patriots on the campus of George Washington did while their campus quad was overtaken by radicals.

These groups have the right to peaceful protest wherever they want. Once that hate hits the chamber of city hall, we have the right to fight back and point out the antisemitism.

This conflict was brought on to our council docket. It is my responsibility to remove the hate and stand up for our values- local government should be focused on local issues.

Councilman Nathan Willett


Developing . . .
