Conservatives & a surprising number of loyal Democratic Party denizens have expressed frustration with Mayor Q's surprise invitation to migrants reportedly draining resources in New York City in order solve an alleged local labor shortage.
Accordingly . . .
Sadly . . .
We're familiar with all of the arguments in support of immigration but the newspaper not only FAILS to address chaos at the border noted by a bipartisan contingent of lawmakers BUT ALSO dismisses legit concerns from local lawmakers about costs and priorities for KCMO government.
Here's the basics of the argument and more info . . .
"Of course, those new migrant workers will initially require some assistance with housing, job training and language services. That will cost money. Lucas has admitted as much. That’s why Bailey complained about “the social safety net of large American cities” being overwhelmed.
"Kansas Citians should consider the expense an investment.
"Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that migrants benefit the American economy. And because immigrants are younger than the U.S. population at large, they can shore up a workforce diminished by a growing number of retirements. They’re even helping keep Social Security solvent.
"Of course, that information might not be convincing if you believe — as Bailey suggested — that undocumented migrants are responsible for an untold number of crimes against native-born American citizens.
"The problem? There is no evidence that’s true . . . "
Actually, for even the most neutral and open-minded people that's up for debate . . . Here are links from both sides of the issue:
NPR: Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find
NBC: Trump's claims of a migrant crime wave are not supported by national data
Heritage Foundation: Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime: Almost 2/3 of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens
Axios: Salt Lake City mayor pushes back on claims that illegal border crossings spiked drug crime
Fox News: House Republicans demand new study on possible link between 'uncontrolled immigration' and crime
Washington Examiner: Eric Adams believes some immigrants entering NYC are committing crimes
Sadly . . .
This newspaper op/ed isn't about migrants, illegal immigration or public policy. It's cheap political tribute to this cowtown's current boss.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Quinton Lucas is right: Migrants already legal to work might as well lift KC's economy | Opinion
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey is playing dirty politics and ignoring the facts: Builders can't find enough workers, and immigrants commit less crime than native-born Americans.
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