Show-Me Democratic Party Super-Minority Losing On Gun Control

Here's the problem . . .

Even some of the most RADICAL PROGRESSIVES UNDERSTAND that they don't have a chance at getting elected in Missouri if they echo outright anti-gun sentiment.

In this part of the country . . . Even trans ladies are proudly packing their constitutional rights and what they've got tucked away would REALLY surprise any potential attacker. 

For lack of a better term . . . Gun culture dominates Missouri and that's not going to change any time soon no matter the frustration voiced in nicer Brookside KCMO homes. 

Accordingly . . . The part missing from this report is where newsies remind readers that Missouri Democrats remain a SUPER-MINORITY despite somewhat recent history of when they once dominated the general assembly not so long ago and gun rights was one of the issues that helped drive them out of power. 

Still . . . 

In fairness, here's the report geared toward left coast readers . . .

"Missouri has some of the loosest gun laws in the United States. The state does not require permits to purchase or carry, and it does not require firearms to be registered or for gun owners to be licensed. For years, lawmakers have struggled to find bipartisan solutions to gun violence in the state.

"While some Republicans say the focus on gun policy is a knee-jerk reaction, state Democrats argue it’s common sense."

Read more via link . . .

Missouri's legislature is arguing gun policy as the state reels from another mass shooting

Missouri has some of the loosest gun laws in the United States. For years, lawmakers have struggled to find bipartisan solutions to gun violence in the state.
